Are you dissatisfied with your smile? You can make a major change, by doing a simple, affordable dental bonding procedure. If you want to learn more about making a cosmetic change, we invite you to call our office to discuss how to improve your smile!

Why choose Dr. Sugiki for your dental bonding

Teeth bonding is an ideal treatment for people who want to make small cosmetic improvements or are looking for a cost-effective way to make a change to their smile. Dental bondings are tooth colored and can improve the color, shape, and size of a tooth. Dr. Sugiki is here to help you find a natural looking solution that is less expensive and ideal for those with teeth that have minor chips, external discoloration, gaps between teeth, or small fillings on front teeth. It is ideal for minimally invasive cosmetic work and can help correct irregular shaped teeth or sculpt teeth to have a more aesthetic appearance.

Get the best results from your dental bonding treatment

Most cases of dental bonding can be completed in a single dental visit. Typically, there is very minimal tooth preparation for a dental bonding. A tooth colored resin is sculpted and shaped to the tooth to give a more aesthetic appearance. An LED light is used to cure and harden the composite material. Dr. Sugiki will ensure your tooth looks and feels natural looking, so you will be always smiling!

Benefits of DENTAL Bonding:

  • Dental bonding is the perfect technique to correct irregularities for a small price. Bonding can drastically change your smile if you have irregularly shaped teeth, small chips, gaps between teeth or discoloration.
  • Very little tooth surface needs to be removed for dental bonding. Unlike a crown or veneer, you may not even require local anesthetic to improve your smile. It is the simplest and least invasive cosmetic procedure offered.
  • A dental bonding can help restore youth in teeth! We can easily re-shape teeth that are worn down so they appear younger and bright!



Each day that we practice, we strive to provide our patients the highest quality dental care leading toward long-term, optimal oral health; and to provide this service in a caring and enjoyable atmosphere at fair compensation that is congruent to the quality service that is given.

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Office Hours

Monday: 8am-4pm

Tuesday: 8am-4pm

Wednesday: 8am-4pm

Thursday: 8am-4pm 

Friday: 8am-4pm

Satuday: 8am-2pm

Sunday: CLOSED

Contact us

4211 Waialae Ave. Suite 301, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96816


Copyright 2024 Kevin S. Sugiki, D.D.S., LLC, all rights reserved.