Children are more likely to develop cavities based on their eating and drinking habits and sometimes poor brushing and flossing! We can help you and your child avoid cavities by placing sealants to cover the susceptible parts of teeth.
Dental sealants are a great, cost-effective way to protect your teeth from cavities. A sealant is a thin, tooth colored coating on the chewing surfaces and grooves of teeth to seal against tooth decay. Even though brushing and flossing regularly is necessary for good oral health, sometimes the bristles of a toothbrush cannot remove all the food and plaque debris that may hide in the deeper grooves of teeth. Our team is ready to help you protect your smile in just one short and comfortable visit to our practice. By blocking out the food and bacteria debris that lead to tooth decay, the sealant prevents decay and other dental problems. The dental sealant forms a smooth surface over the natural pits and grooves of the tooth surface, which also makes it easier to effectively clean your teeth with normal brushing.
Seal out tooth decay
Sealants can be placed in the pits and fissures of baby molars, pre-molars, and permanent molars of children and adolescents. Adults can also benefit from sealants as well to protect their teeth from cavities if they are susceptible to decay. Dentists recommend getting sealants as soon as permanent molars erupt to lessen the chances of developing cavities in these lifelong teeth. To learn more about dental sealants and how Sugiki Implant and Family Dentistry can keep your smile in good health, we encourage you to call or visit our office today!

Dental Sealants FAQ
Sealants are composed of a BPA-free clear or tooth colored resin, similar to a plastic material. It is applied to the deeper grooves of teeth and a special light is used to help harden and set the material.
Sealant application is a quick and comfortable procedure. It takes only one quick visit and no drilling is required.
Sealants can be placed in the pits and fissures of baby molars, pre-molars, and permanent molars of children and adolescents. Adults with susceptible, deep grooves should also have sealants to avoid cavities.
Sealants are a very affordable and simple solution to help avoid cavities. Costs will range between $25 - $45 per tooth. Speak to our office about dental coverage you may have for this wonderful service.