Are you looking to transform your smile, but don’t want to go through traditional, metal braces? Invisalign treatment is an advanced form of braces that are nearly invisible and removable! Schedule a consultation to see if you are a good candidate today to drastically and easily change your smile!

Move over crooked teeth!

Invisalign is a form of braces that uses clear, custom-made aligners to gradually straighten teeth Invisalign is a nearly invisible form of braces so that it is not obvious you are undergoing orthodontic treatment when you smile or speak. Unlike traditional braces, you can remove your trays to eat, to brush your teeth, and for special occasions! Aligners are normally interchanged every two weeks depending on your treatment plan. They have a similar appearance to a clear whitening tray or dental retainer and allow you to go about your business discreetly. Invisalign works by using clear aligners to put gentle orthodontic forces on your teeth to move them into the correct position.


We offer a quick, painless service to dramatically change your smile by using Invisalign treatment. First, a consultation with Dr. Sugiki will determine if you are a good candidate for Invisalign treatment. Invisalign is a popular treatment offered today because we see high profile celebrities and television commercials boasting about its success. While we want to improve your smile, we also want to make sure it is done correctly and comfortably. We take much pride in that we perform thorough dental exams to evaluate your occlusion, misalignment and crowding to guarantee there are no potential problems by doing Invisalign. We monitor your case closely so you are proud of your smile, but also so your teeth function properly.

During your visit to our office, a member of our skilled and experienced team will take impressions of your teeth by using advanced ITero scanning technology. These models will be used to create custom aligners, which you’ll receive at your next visit. The aligners should stay firmly in your mouth for up to 22 hours per day, but you can simply remove them for eating, brushing, and flossing. By the end of your treatment, you’ll be able to show off that straight and stunning smile that you desire.


  • Invisalign is a customized solution; no two treatments are the same. You can work with your dentist to give you a celebrity smile!
  • You can enjoy a variety of foods! Invisalign allows you to eat and drink comfortably by using removable aligners.
  • Invisalign is a wonderful treatment option for people who want to keep their orthodontics discreet or have small alignment issues they want to correct without the use of traditional metal braces.



Each day that we practice, we strive to provide our patients the highest quality dental care leading toward long-term, optimal oral health; and to provide this service in a caring and enjoyable atmosphere at fair compensation that is congruent to the quality service that is given.

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Office Hours

Monday: 8am-4pm

Tuesday: 8am-4pm

Wednesday: 8am-4pm

Thursday: 8am-4pm 

Friday: 8am-4pm

Satuday: 8am-2pm

Sunday: CLOSED

Contact us

4211 Waialae Ave. Suite 301, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96816


Copyright 2024 Kevin S. Sugiki, D.D.S., LLC, all rights reserved.