Some teeth can simply not be saved. When your teeth are decayed or cracked beyond restoring or you experience intense pain, an extraction may be necessary to alleviate pain and prevent infection. Dr. Sugiki is a well-trained and gentle expert you can trust for your tooth extractions.

Reasons you may need a tooth extraction

Sometimes teeth just cannot be saved. If you have advanced periodontal disease, severely decayed teeth or fractured teeth that cannot be repaired, they may require a gentle extraction. Other times, teeth may be impacted and causing problems for adjacent teeth and tissues or there is oral trauma. Dr. Sugiki is highly skilled when it comes to teeth extractions. He will help you throughout the pre-surgical planning, surgical process, and post-extraction treatment to avoid any complications and help you make the fastest recovery possible.

Why Choose Dr. Sugiki for a tooth extraction

Dr. Sugiki is here to help restore your smile - functionally and cosmetically - once your surgery is complete! You may be left with gaps of teeth that affect your eating, speech and adjacent teeth. When one or more teeth are removed, it leaves you with a domino effect where your jawbone becomes weaker since there are no teeth anchored, and adjacent teeth can become mobile and cause complications. While a tooth extraction can take away pain, you want to regain your smile with dental implants, a dental bridge or a removable appliance. Speak with Dr. Sugiki about all of your treatment options to begin your recovery.


  • Dr. Sugiki will alleviate rapid pain for a tooth that is broken or infected. Sometimes an extraction is the only viable treatment option to restore optimal dental health.
  • Some patients need tooth extractions for orthodontic reasons to help correct crowding or when a baby tooth is over-retained and an adult one grows in.
  • Wisdom teeth may be partially or fully impacted and can cause cysts, tumors, and problems for your adjacent teeth. An extraction may help avoid any long-term problems. 

Extractions FAQ


Each day that we practice, we strive to provide our patients the highest quality dental care leading toward long-term, optimal oral health; and to provide this service in a caring and enjoyable atmosphere at fair compensation that is congruent to the quality service that is given.

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Office Hours

Monday: 8am-4pm

Tuesday: 8am-4pm

Wednesday: 8am-4pm

Thursday: 8am-4pm 

Friday: 8am-4pm

Satuday: 8am-2pm

Sunday: CLOSED

Contact us

4211 Waialae Ave. Suite 301, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96816


Copyright 2024 Kevin S. Sugiki, D.D.S., LLC, all rights reserved.