Missing teeth can seem initially devastating and life changing! Whether you have teeth lost from decay or from trauma, Dr. Sugiki offers dental implants as a permanent solution to restore your smile! Schedule an appointment with our office today to discuss your smile goals!

Restore your natural smile with a dental implant

When a tooth is extracted or congenitally missing, you want to replace that tooth for function, cosmetics, and comfort. An implant also provides a strong foundation for fixed and removable prosthetics. An implant will be the closest treatment to serve as a natural tooth. There are different types of dental implants depending on your bone condition, treatment plan, and cost. Dental implants are essentially a biocompatible screw anchored into the jawbone, attached to abutment posts and a natural looking crown. The result of a dental implant is the most natural and comfortable replacement for an actual tooth.

The highest implant technology available

Missing teeth means some type of restorative replacement, whether that is a removable partial or denture. A dental implant provides more stability and security from a removable appliance and greater comfort. For those who fear an appliance from slipping, you may be a candidate for an implant supported partial or full denture. This will ensure greater stability, more comfort eating and speaking, and a brighter smile. We offer complimentary, state of the technology, 3-D ConeBeam Imaging and an X-Guide, to deliver patients with high quality, more accurate care. Call our office today for a consultation.

BENEFITS of Dental Implants:

  • Implants are pretty much decay and cavity proof because they are made from porcelain and titanium, so you do not have to worry about getting a cavity again!
  • Dental implants can restore your chewing ability if you are missing one or more teeth.
  • An implant not only restores your tooth function, but preserves the jaw bone from receding and deteriorating.

Dental Implants FAQ


Each day that we practice, we strive to provide our patients the highest quality dental care leading toward long-term, optimal oral health; and to provide this service in a caring and enjoyable atmosphere at fair compensation that is congruent to the quality service that is given.

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Office Hours

Monday: 8am-4pm

Tuesday: 8am-4pm

Wednesday: 8am-4pm

Thursday: 8am-4pm 

Friday: 8am-4pm

Satuday: 8am-2pm

Sunday: CLOSED

Contact us

4211 Waialae Ave. Suite 301, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96816


Copyright 2024 Kevin S. Sugiki, D.D.S., LLC, all rights reserved.